
Online Grief Certificate Course with Megan Devine – Enrollment Open Now!

Grief is messy. It’s complex, confusing, and doesn’t fit neatly into a one-size-fits-all box. 

Most of the grief support and treatment options today push a “fix it” mentality that undermines the profound nature of grief itself.

But here’s the thing: grief is not a puzzle to solve or a problem to be fixed. It’s a deeply human experience, something we support, rather than solve.

And I know many of you feel the same way.

That’s why I’m thrilled to announce that enrollment is open for my 6-month online certificate program! (with an exclusive 50% off discount code just for this email list!)

Lots of providers feel helpless in the face of intense grief. This grief training intensive will give you the tools – and the insight – you need to feel confident working with clients. 

Consider this your exclusive invitation to join me in this transformative online class starting this September so you can become a go-to provider of the human-centered grief care approach that I’ve pioneered, challenge the status quo, and be a beacon of real support for clients, no matter what grief they carry. 

With over 15 hours of recorded training along with an additional 6 hours of live Q&A sessions with me, you’ll end this course ready to apply dozens of practical interventions for all kinds of grief.

PLUS earn your certificate and a digital badge to let clients know you’ve studied closely with me. Borrow my street cred! Leverage my name recognition! 

Our next cohort begins September 4th so please tap here to reserve your spot. The curriculum is mapped out at that link, too, so you can see what you’ll learn. 

This is the only offering of this course for 2023. Join by July 31st, and use the code MD2023 to get a full 50% off the cost of the training. This discount is only available to subscribers to this email list, and only until July 31st. I figure I don’t email you very often, so consider this a little gift. 

Don’t miss your chance to join me and revolutionize the way you approach grief care. 

I can’t wait to see you there!

P.S. Classes like this with other world-renowned grief experts can cost thousands of dollars. But the need is so great I’m offering this with my partners at PESI at a low introductory price in this limited time offer. (for real, this is the most cost-effective way to work with me & learn the skills you need)

Use the code MD2023 at checkout by JULY 31st to get 50% off. This comprehensive training  goes back to full price on August 1st.