
The COVID White Paper: Death, Grief, and Funerals in the COVID age

Grief and death are on everyone’s mind. For most of us the scale of the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated death and collective grief is unprecedented.

Combined with social distancing protocols, end-of-life issues, death care, and grief have become even more complex.

Navigating these restrictions—and the sheer volume of loss—can feel overwhelming. How do you comfort a patient when their family can’t be present? Are you supposed to bring up advanced directives on intake or wait until the person is facing their death? If we can’t hold a traditional funeral, how do we mark someone’s passing? How do we start dealing with all the grief in our lives – now and in the days to come?

We definitely don’t have all of the answers, but the Global Covid-19 Relief Coalition has spent the last few weeks pulling together a guide for this weird, intense time.

Our Coalition white paper has just been released and reflects the input of nearly 100 specialists who work with dying, death, and grief on a daily basis — doctors, grief therapists, psychologists, funeral home directors, hospice workers, chaplains, end-of life-practitioners, etc….from around the globe. As so many in our community are losing friends and family, this work is timely and so very urgent.

I am honored to be one of the experts who contributed to the paper. Please read the information and pass it along. We can’t fix any of this, but we can give people some anchors along the way.

Download the white paper resource guide, and learn more about the team.

Overwhelmed with end of life issues during covid-19? Here is a resource guide from 100+ experts in death, dying, and grief. Click To Tweet

flame-heart-100Wishing for some company inside your grief? Now, as always, the very best place I know to connect YOU with other grieving folks is inside the Writing Your Grief community. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, there is always someone there: when you feel invisible inside your grief, these folks see you. When your friends have their own sh*t to deal with and you can’t lean on them, your WYG family is there. I mean it folks, this community is unlike any other place – online or IRL. The May session is open now and we’ve got room for you. Follow this link to join us, and pass it on.