Friends don’t know how to support you? Let me help.
Less-than-helpful support from friends and family is one of the biggest causes of suffering inside grief. It’s not that they (usually) mean to be insensitive, they just don’t know how to help. Thing is, you don’t have the bandwidth to teach them better skills.
That means you don’t get the support you need, and your friends feel like helpless jerks.
I am *super* pleased to announce that I’ve teamed up with Grief Coach text-based support to help solve this very problem: with a Grief Coach subscription, you get support, and your friends learn how to be more awesome.
Sign up for my channel on the Grief Coach website to get supportive, customized text messages for you (if you’re grieving) and up to four friends, family members, or therapists who need a little help knowing how to help. You’ll hear from me and other grief experts – by text – all year long. Click this link to get $10 off your subscription.
Remember, you can sign up RIGHT NOW and get $10 off your text support subscription – whether you’re the grieving person, or you’re trying to support a grieving friend.
Grieving is hard enough. Focus on yourself and let me educate those supportive friends and family members. We can’t fix your grief, but we can teach your friends to be even more awesome. All the details of your text based grief support/increase of awesome subscription available at the website.