Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to our most commonly asked questions below. 

Don't see the info you're looking for? Use the search function at the top of the page or send us a message.

Can I speak with Megan directly? 
  • For grievers, the easiest way to get advice and support from Megan is through her monthly video Q&A clinic, hosted on Patreon! Tap the link, sign up at the $10 level, and join our next group call. 
  • If you'd rather speak with Megan privately,  apply here for a 1:1 consultation.
  • For professionals, agencies, or organizations seeking consultations or advice, apply here.
  • For journalists, directors, and others looking to interview Megan for an article or project, use the contact form here
Courses & Trainings
  • I signed up for Writing Your Grief a long time ago, but didn't finish. Can you restart the prompt series for me? We cannot restart the series. At the end of your session, you received a PDF of all the prompts. Search your email to find either the PDF containing all the writing prompts or the individual prompt emails from the Writing Your Grief series. If you'd like to have prompts delivered daily, sign up for the self-guided WYG course. 
  • Will the live community version of Writing Your Grief come back? Not at this time. If you’re a mental health provider or agency and you’d like to facilitate WYG groups, contact us for details and licensing.
  • Can I get a refund for the course? We offer no refunds for any courses, services, or downloads.
  • For a more extensive WYG course FAQ, click here: Writing Your Grief FAQ.


  • Would Megan consider creating a training specifically for (fill in the blank topic)? Maybe! Send us a message with your idea/request.
  • When is the next 6 month clinical intensive open for enrollment? Check for current training opportunities on the training page.
  • Do I have to be a psychotherapist to take Megan's professional courses? Not always. See each individual training or course description on the training page for details. 
  • I need a training for my company/department/organization. How do I get started? Send us a message with the details of your request, here.
  • I have a question about Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Email PESI at


Will Megan appear on my podcast, speak at my event, or be part of our conference?
  • For interview requests, including radio, podcasts, TV, and print, use our contact form. Please note that Megan's availability is very limited. We will not reply to all requests. 
  • For speaking engagements, please include all the relevant details including location, date, intended audience, budget, and requested topics on the contact form. Note that Megan does not speak, present, endorse, or participate in any event without compensation. 
Using Megan's work

Can I use Megan's work in my book, film, social media campaign, etc? YES, provided you do so within legal parameters which includes proper citation

  • Proper attribution: Include Megan Devine, @refugeingrief, and if you're quoting from one of Megan's books or podcasts, include that title. Add for any use outside of social media (though it's nice to use it there too). Attribution must be clear on all materials, regardless of where they are used. 
  • Reuse of Megan's work without attribution will result in a request to remove or amend the assets. Continued use without attribution will result in legal action. Sounds cranky, but Megan's work is swiped without attribution all the time. If you love someone's work enough to re-use it, cite the source. 

  • If you're creating social media posts or ANY OTHER ASSETS, including print, digital, or audio, using a quote from Megan, attribution must be included on both the graphics and in the caption of the post. Graphics that show the quoted material without Megan's name will turn into "anonymous" quotes in a heartbeat. Keep Megan's name with Megan's words. 
  • For permission to use excerpts from It's OK or How to Carry that are longer than a few sentences, you must contact our publisher, Sounds True, via
  • Can I use Megan's work in a training or course? Yes! Please do. Remember that all quotes, graphics, PDFs, and other materials used must be clearly attributed to Megan Devine, @refugeingrief. Questions? Email us. We love to see how the work is being spread. 
  • Can I use Megan's work to create a training or courses? No. Trainings or courses that are based solely on Megan's work are not allowed without proper licensing. Questions? Email us
  • Can I print out and share your infographics, comics, or essays? Yes, as long as all of the branding and other identifying information remains intact, you use proper attribution, and give it away free of charge.
  • Can I use Megan's writing to create something I want to sell? Because some people use Megan’s work and name in ways that are inconsistent with our beliefs, we do not allow Megan’s quotes, name, or image to be used for commercial gain. This means: no. You cannot use a quote from Megan on items you sell. We very, very occasionally collaborate with creators, so be in touch if you have both a great idea and a great audience.
  • Can I translate this graphic or comic into another language? Yes! As long as all of the branding and other identifying information remains intact, you use proper attribution, and give it away free of charge. If you're posting on social media, tag us @refugeingrief so we can share it too.
Endorsements of books, products, or services
  • Can I advertise on your podcast or your social media? Maybe! We align with like-minded businesses doing good work in the world. With an audience of over half a million people, Megan's podcast and social media channels are a great place to reach your audience. Send us a message.
  • Will Megan review my book and write a blurb? We receive so many requests to review and endorse material, Megan does not currently provide blurbs or review submitted materials.
  • I have a product Megan's audience will love. Can I send a sample and get her endorsement? While we do sometimes accept samples of products, that does not guarantee Megan will post about that product. Official endorsement of products, books, or services is via contracted agreement and compensation. Questions? Email us.


Megan's books
  • Can I order your books in bulk? Yes! Wholesale/volume books orders are placed via
  • I don't see your books in the language I want. Scroll to the bottom of this page to view all currently available translations of It's OK that You're Not OK and scroll to the bottom of this page for translations of How to Carry What Can't Be Fixed.
  • Why isn't your book available in X language? It's all up to the publishers. We want the books to be available in all languages! If you’d like to make your request directly to Sounds True, send them an email
  • How do I inquire about purchasing translation rights for Megan's books? All translations are handled through the publisher, Sounds True. Contact them at to inquire about acquiring translation rights.
  • Are your books for me if I'm not grieving a loss due to death? Megan's grief-related work relates largely to death, but you can use her books for other losses too. Because she don't mention every kind of loss in her books, there will be spots where you'll need to put on your translator ears, listening for the way the words relate to your life.
  • I want to give one of Megan's books to a grieving friend. What should I say to them? What a thoughtful friend you are! When you send or give them the book, you might include a note that says something like, “No book is going to make this better. My hope is that you find some comfort and companionship in this author’s words.” <— in your own words, of course! That way your gift has a better chance of making it into the “to read” pile instead of the “no thanks” pile. Check out our Resources for Supporters for more help giving the support you intend.
Media & Press
Do you have a recommended support resource for grieving kids or teens?
  •  The Dougy Center specializes in supporting grieving children, teens, young adults, and their families. Find them on social at @thedougycenter. 
  • We also recommend checking out Experience Camps as a support resource for grieving kids and teens.
Can you recommend more books on grief and loss? 

Is Your Facebook page public or private?
  • The @refugeingrief Facebook page is public so that anyone can easily find and access it whenever they need it. 
  • If you're looking for a place to engage with our social posts with more privacy than FB allows, follow @refugeingrief on Instagram where users are allowed to create multiple accounts and your comments won't be share in other peoples' feeds.