Palliative care is for everyone (yeah, even YOU) with guest, trauma surgeon Dr. Red Hoffman
Wait, isn't palliative care something hospice does before somebody dies? Well, yes, but that’s just part of the story: palliative care covers a whole lot of health conditions, even temporary medical health setbacks. Palliative care is like symptom relief for the emotional challenges of being alive.
Doesn't that sound really interesting? Find out what it is, and why it applies to YOU in this week’s episode with special guest trauma surgeon Dr. Red Hoffman.
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About our guest:
Dr. Red Hoffman is a board certified trauma surgeon trained in surgical care and hospice and palliative medicine. She's one of the leading voices advocating for palliative medicine across all departments and subspecialties in medicine.
Find her at and follow her on Twitter @RedMDND
Additional resources:
- Want to talk with Megan directly? Join our patreon community for live monthly Q&A sessions: your questions, answered.
- Want to speak to her privately? Apply for a 1:1 grief consultation here.
- Check out Megan’s best-selling books - It’s OK That You're Not OK and How to Carry What Can’t Be Fixed
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