
Join our virtual book club for grievers with Megan Devine, starting tomorrow, Monday June 21st

I know a lot of you now have my new guided grief journal in your hands or on its way to you. (I love seeing your photos of the book! ♥️) I also know that, even when you have the book in your hands, a lot of you are feeling kind of scared or overwhelmed to open it up and get going.

Feeling daunted by the journal is #perfectlynormal. It can be scary to touch into this stuff, even when you have this beautiful book about grief in your hands. ⁣

I also want you to know that sometimes this is easier when you have other people doing the same thing alongside you. Which is why I have a live, interactive, 4-week book club for grievers starting TOMORROW, June 21st at 4pm PDT, with my friends at
Each Monday we’ll journey through my new book, How to Carry What Can’t Be Fixed. You can expect interactive sessions with me, break out rooms, and an online grief support community with you as you learn how to enter into a conversation with your grief. ⁣

NOTE: If you’re unable to attend one or all of the sessions, recordings will be made available to ticket holders. 

Reserve your spot now via this link. One ticket covers all four 1-hour-long sessions. I hope to see you there!